Hear Directly from County Executive Candidates on the Environment
We have teamed up with some of the top environmental organizations in the county this year to present the Green Forum, on April 6 2002 at 7 pm. This is the one and only public forum dedicated to hearing from County Executive candidates specifically on the environment. The event will be both in person, at the Silver Spring Civic Center, and via Zoom. When you register, you can suggest a question for the candidates to answer.
Kathleen Matthews, 2022 Green Forum Moderator
Our moderator this year is journalist Kathleen Matthews. Join us to hear all about the most important natural resource challenges for Montgomery County at the Green Forum. (Note: At this writing, there are no Republican candidates for Montgomery County Executive. Since Montgomery County is a mostly Democratic county, the Primary Election generally decides who your County Executive will be.)
When: Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 7:00 pm
Where: Silver Spring Civic Center, One Veterans Plaza, Silver Spring, 20910 or via Zoom.
The Zoom link is available when you register.
Update: We are no longer using Zoom for this event. Instead, the forum will be streamed on the following YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/sPiVKt04oho
The Green Forum 2022 Partners
Audubon Naturalist Society Conservation Montgomery Friends of Ten Mile Creek
Stormwater Partners Network One Montgomery Green Rock Creek Conservancy
Montgomery Countryside Alliance Sugarloaf Citizens Association
This promises to be the most informative event highlighting environmental issues. A Zoom option is available. We ask that all in-person guests be fully vaccinated and respectful of masking and distance as appropriate.
The primary election will be on July 19, 2022. Early voting will be from July 7th to the 14th. To vote by mail you must request a mail-in ballot by July 12.