Ongoing Vigilance to Protect Headwaters of Ten Mile Creek
Ten Mile Creek - Fall
The 100-acre Miles-Coppola Property is currently undeveloped forest and farmland in the northeast headwaters of Ten Mile Creek. The 2014 Ten Mile Creek Master Plan Amendment recommended that if the property were to be developed, road access to Route 355 should avoid harm to forests, wetlands and tributaries by using a new less damaging road alignment. When a conceptual development plan was submitted to the County Planning Board in June 2021 it did not abide with the recommendations of the 2014 Plan. Instead, it sought a road connection to MD355 along an outdated, environmentally harmful alignment proposed in 1994. At this time Friends of Ten Mile Creek (FoTMC) submitted testimony to remind the Board of its obligations to adhere to the 2014 Amendment.
When the Planning Board did not heed our advice, FoTMC wrote to the County Executive expressing the same concerns. As a result, Executive Elrich directed the Department of Transportation to adhere to the 2014 road plan. We thank the Executive Elrich for acting in a timely manner.