Spring Wildflower Walk a Huge Success!
Trout Lily
On Sunday, April 16th, thirty-four eager adventurers attended our first Ten Mile Creek wildflower walk. We began the hike from the Cinque Farm on Slidell Road walking downhill through Ten Mile Creek Conservation Park to a tributary - one of seven main tributaries of Ten Mile Creek. RG Steinman and John Parrish pointed out wildflowers and other plants along the way. We saw Skunk Cabbage, Spicebush, Spring Beauty, Sweet Flag, Toothwort, Trout Lily, Violets and Watercress to name a few. Then down the rural rustic West Old Baltimore Road and onward to the Ten Mile Creek ford. Along the road we enjoyed seeing Rue Anemone, Star Chickweed, Wild Geranium and other colorful wildflowers. At the ford, Jay Cinque transported the group across the creek with his hay wagon. We then hiked upstream on Norman Mease’s land where we saw Bloodroot, Buttercups, Dwarf Ginseng, Mayapple, Wood Anemone, three kinds of violets with purple, white and yellow flowers, and the uncommon Shagbark Hickory trees. Upon our return to the ford, Jay gave the group a hayride back uphill to his farm. There Anne Cinque provided the group with a delicious spread of various refreshments. Special thanks to Anne and Jay for hosting our gathering and providing parking for everyone.