Wildflower Walk, Sunday, April 16th at noon
Trout Lily
Shagbark Hickory
The Friends of Ten Mile Creek will be leading a wildflower walk on Sunday, April 16th . We will meet at the Cinque Farm at 11:45 am and depart promptly at noon. The walk will take us downhill through Ten Mile Creek Conservation Park, in the watershed of one of the seven main headwater tributaries of Ten Mile Creek. Then on toward the Ten Mile Creek stream ford at West Old Baltimore Rd. We plan to walk upstream along the creek to see more wildflowers before making our way back to the ford. Transportation will be provided after the hike to return to the Cinque Farm around 3:00 pm, where light refreshments will be served. Anne and Jay Cinque’s address is 22300 Slidell Rd, Boyds, MD 20841. For directions and to RSVP, contact Anne Cinque at 301-972-1098, email acinque2@gmail.com
Rue + Anemone
We hope to see such early spring wildflowers as Trout Lilies, Bloodroot, Hepatica, Dwarf Ginseng, Wood Anemone, Rue Anemone, Toothworts, Spring Beauty, Early Saxifrage, and Violets! Another highlight of our walk includes uncommon County trees – the Eastern Hemlock and Shagbark Hickory. For further information on the flora of Ten Mile Creek see Overview of the Flora of the Ten Mile Creek Watershed
In the event of heavy rain, our rain date is Sunday, April 23rd.