Annual Meeting, Potluck and Fun time together: Sat, Oct 19, 2024, 1:00 pm (Updated)
Gothic Dairy Barn at Linden Farm
Updated 10/10/2024
Dear Friends of Ten Mile Creek,
The Friends of Ten Mile Creek and Little Seneca Reservoir will hold our Annual Meeting on October 19 at 1 pm in the Gothic Dairy Barn at the Linden Farm in Dickerson (20900 Martinsburg Road, Dickerson, MD 20842). It will be a Potluck, and there will be live music.
All are welcome! Bring your friends and children.
As always at our annual event, we welcome in the new officers and Board members, as well as discuss recent events that are impacting the Ten Mile Creek watershed, Little Seneca Reservoir, and the surrounding agricultural reserve. We also look forward to exploring new water quality and forest protection projects and hearing your ideas about protecting Ten Mile Creek.
Kindly let us know if you are coming so we can plan accordingly.
For Ten Mile Creek,
Anne Cinque