Ten Mile Creek Watershed & Wildflower Walk
Rue Anemone
The Friends of Ten Mile Creek & Little Seneca Reservoir will be leading a Watershed and Wildflower Walk on Saturday April 13th from 12:00 to 4:00 pm. If it’s raining, we will postpone it to Sunday April 14th at noon.
Trout Lily
We will meet at the Cinque Farm, 22300 Slidell Road, Boyds, MD at 12:00 noon. From there, we will take a wagon ride and/or very short drive to access Ten Mile Creek Conservation Park on land formerly known as the Beck Farm. This tract was owned by Cliff and Mary Beth Beck for nearly 60 years (1957-2016) before its acquisition as parkland. A plaque on site commemorates the couple. The walk will take us along a tributary of Ten Mile Creek where there are wetlands and many kinds of wildflowers bordering the stream, including trout lilies, skunk cabbage, and spring beauties among others. We will explore the upland forest to learn about the area’s flora and fauna. Expect to see and taste the uncommon sweet birch, the original source of birch beer. The terrain is hilly but not too strenuous. We will avoid walking in wetlands but some areas may be damp so wear appropriate footwear.
Following the hike, we are all invited to enjoy some light refreshments at the Cinque Farm.
To learn more about the Beck Farm and Ten Mile Creek Conservation Park click here.
To learn more about the mission of The Friends of Ten Mile Creek and Little Seneca Reservoir, which is a treasured recreational resource as well as is the backup drinking water supply for the Washington, DC Metropolitan region, go to https://www.tenmilecreek.org/about
For further information, contact John at lifeonearth@verizon.net or Anne at acinque2@gmail.com (240-361-7394).